"i wont miss shooting for certain reasons yet i'll miss it a lot for others. the best part of shooting? discovering yet again what an ultimate friend huixin is (;"
koped from the one and only sweet shazie's blog. (:
am i touched or what?
thanks babe! you're THE ultimate friend man. :D
anyway how many episodes are there in total for prison break? i think i have the first half of it only so i doubt i'll be killing myself anytime soon. HAHAHA. the ending's damn retarded ah? actually the show's quite boring except the fact that wentworth miller is still looking so damn good and sizzling HOTTTT. :D other than that lots of chasing around and people dying one by one. :/ not very exciting i must say. heh and yeah i'll probably be going down to range on wed for a while. (: you're painting the banner right?
and sean, wentworth miller's the real deal lah, DUHHHHH? ;) yup i'll be coming down on wed and you better not dao me or whatsoever if not i'm not going to talk to you ever, understand? HAHAHAHA! =P
alrights i'm hungry. ):
shall go get lunch now and start cheming after that. (:
now i’m picking up the pieces
from spending all of these years
putting my heart back together
cos' the day i thought i’d never get through
i got over you.
prison break 2? 22 episodes. the ending is okay. just the bloody cliffhanger that is so arghh! oh, and i have to come down on wed. need to settle some stuff. the banner is painted tho. apparently they're putting it up tmr. great people, told me that like on sunday.
22 episodes?! i only got 12 lah. damn. which means i've got 10 more to watch but i have no idea where i'm going to get them. i know! go your house and watch! HAHAHA. (: so i presume there's a prison break 3? ermm...i see. aiyah heck them lah. anyway are you going to transport weapons with us?
yeah hawtttt guy. mom's going gaga over him ya? ahaz. hopefully i can come tmr , being sick sucks. oh, at least got reason to dao/scold ppl huh? LOL
i have always been crazy over him what. HAHAHA! yeah too HOTTT alr. :D yes better come tmr! haven't been talking to you much since i dunno when. eh but if you really not feeling well then better rest at home k? take care son! (: and being sick doesn't give you a reason to dao/scold ppl k! TSK. haha.
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